Her Training and Credentials

  • Master Certified Coach, International Coaching Federation
  • Certified Coach U Graduate, Coach U
  • Certified Retirement Coach, Retire Options
  • Certified Elite Life Coach, The Coach Mindset
  • Patent holder and inventor
  • Member International Coaching Federation
  • Member St. Louis Coaches
  • MBA Fontbonne, University
  • BA University of Missouri

Rightly Successful, LLC


By Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up

like a raisin in the sun?

Or fester like a sore-

And then run?

Dies it stink like rotten meat?

Or crust and sugar over-

like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags

like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

Langston Hughes "Harlem" from Collected Poems. Copyright 1994 by The Estate of Langston Hughes. Reprinted with the permission of Harold Ober Associates Incorporated.

Source: Selected Poems of Langston Hughes (Random House Inc., 1990)

Meet Robin

Robin is dedicated to working with women to expand their lives and create new possibilities.  She helps her clients clarify, prioritize and complete the powerful actions that can lead to developing their dream lifestyle. Robin profoundly believes that by gaining an unbiased view, Women can achieve a Rightly Successful life, a life of their own design.

  • Robin partners with her clients to accomplish their goals.

  • She started her coaching practice in 2005 to help women realize their financial, professional and personal goals.

  • Robin started Rightly Successful as a single mother and while working full time. She has managed negotiating life and home while building a business.

  • Robin is a Master Certified Coaching, the highest designation in coaching from the International Coaching Federation. When coaching, she pulls from her over 40 years of experience as a marketer, new product developer, project leader and trainer.

  • She is committed to the success of each client because she believes that each and every person really can design and create a life they love.

She is available for coaching, speaking, consulting and training.  Langston Hughes is one of Robin’s favorite poets.  She fell in love with his poem “Harlem” when she was in junior high school. The first line of the poem still resonates with her, “What happens to a dream deferred?” In subsequent years, Robin pondered this question.  After reading the play "A Raisin in the Sun", by Lorraine Hansberry about the impact on a family of dealing with competing dreams, she chose to live a life based on fulfilling on life's dreams.

Robin runs Rightly Successful, LLC, a coaching and mental fitness practice to support those looking at designing significant life transitions.

She has over 40 years of accumulated experience in Coaching Mentoring, Training, Marketing and leading people, projects and teams.    

You've waited too long already!

Start taking ownership and responsibility for your life's transitions and your retirement NOW!

Schedule your Free 30-minute Complimentary Coaching Consultation now!

Her Passions

  • Discovering new things with her husband, friends and family
  • Volunteering with an international creative problem solving competition
  • Making homemade pasta, baking bread and using her smoker
  • Tending to her square foot vegetable garden
  • Experiencing live music, especially the blues