Hello and welcome to Rightly Successful. I'm Robin Goodbary, Certified Retirement Coach and Founder. I started this company out of the belief that everyone can design a life they love and nothing need ever stand in their way.

So you're thinking about Retirement?

It's time to make a change in your life.

You're looking for and / or ready to follow your passion? 

Are you wondering what to do next?

We know you're too young at heart to "retire". So what would this new time in your life look like?

  • A new place to live
  • Volunteer activities
  • An passion career
  • Quality time with friends and family

Are you entering a new phase of your life  and are wondering what's next?

Are you ready to realize that dream deferred?

support you
to make strides  to design your life

The approach is to coach myself out of a job. You are determined to create a magnificent next act to your life because, working together with a life coach is not for the faint of heart.

This type of partnership is most successful when you are committed to creating something new / different / exciting or rewarding..

In coaching sessions you'll gain new awareness, create new possibilities and reflect on open-ended questions. You'll have the experience of being profoundly heard and receive thought provoking feedback.

You will be regarded as fully capable. Expect to leave each session empowered and supported. We create ways for you to hold yourself accountable.

Throughout it all we laugh and have some fun. Although this is real work, it does not have to be laborious!

What We Do

Rightly Successful, LLC

Personalized APPROACH



A new chance to design a life you love...

Create Possibility

Minimizing your risks along the way